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Top 30 Interesting Facts you might not have Known About Guinea Pigs

1. Guinea pigs have tailbones, but no tails. Humans are the same.

2. Guinea pigs have four toes on each front paw, but only three on the back. That's three each, not not three total, because that would make no sense.

3. All guinea pigs have unique personalities. Some are shy, some are loud, and some sleep a lot.

4. All guinea pigs have different tastes in fruits and vegetables. One guinea pig might love basil, while another won't touch it.

5. Guinea pig's fur can come in a variety of colors: black, white, gray, brown, red, tan, and everything in between.

6. Guinea pigs don't come from Guinea. Actually, they originated in South America. Nobody's sure why they're called guinea pigs.

7. Guinea pigs aren't related to pigs, they're rodents. However, their bodies resemble a pig's, and they eat a lot, so there's the 'pig' part of guiena pig.

8. The scientific name for the guinea pig is the Cavia Porcellus. That's why they're nicknamed 'cavies,' like in Cavy Crazy.

9. Male guinea pigs are called boars, and females are sows. That's the same as regular pigs. Young guinea pigs are called pups.

10. Guinea pigs live around 5-8 years, on average.

11. The oldest living guinea pig, Snowball, lived 14 years and 10 months. She's in the Guinness Book of World Records.

12. Guinea pigs need vitamin C. I mentioned in my lettuce blog that it's very important for it to be in their diet, because they don't produce it themselves. Fortunately, it's in most pellet foods and, of course, in lettuce.

13. Guinea pigs can be loud. They wheak, squeak, purr, chatter their teeth, and more. Some chirp, although that is rare.

14. Guinea pigs can walk as soon as they are born.

15. Guinea pigs prefer to sleep for short periods during the day (and night).

16. Guinea pigs are most active during dawn and dusk, which means they're crepuscular.

17. Guinea pigs are very social and need a companion to live with. They also like to spend time with their humans.

18. Rabbits and guinea pigs can not live together. They have very different diets and needs. For that matter, hamsters, rats, or any other animals can't live with a guinea pig. Only guinea pigs can live with guinea pigs.

19. Guinea pigs are commonly used as test animals (which is cruel and noneffective because a guinea pig's genetic makeup is not the same as a human's). Anyway, that's why people testing things are called 'guinea pigs.'

20. Female guinea pigs get along better in large herds. In the wild, guinea pig herds consisted of several females and one male. However, if two males are kept together without another female, they get along fine. I have two males.

21. Queen Elizabeth I owned a pet guinea pig.

22. In some countries in South America, where guinea pigs originated, they are farmed and eaten. Don't eat a guinea pig. Just have chicken instead.

23. Guinea pigs eat their own poop. But only a certain kind of it. If they didn't, they would actually get sick.

24. Guinea pigs are allergic to penicillin.

25. Guinea pigs have fragile spines, so even though some stores sell leashes for them, they shouldn't be used.

26. A group of guinea pigs is actually called a muddle, but most people refer to them as herds anyway.

27. Guinea pigs can reduce stress.

28. In Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig because they are social animals. Personally, I think that would be a great law to have everywhere.

29. Guinea pigs have 20 teeth, although you only see their 4 incisors, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. They have 16 more tiny teeth hidden in their mouths.

30. Guinea pigs look absolutely adorable when they dress up. Here's some proof:

See? I told you.

Anyway, I had so much fun making this blog. Let me know if you want me to do a part two, because I would love to make that for you guys, if you like this one. Thank you so much for reading, and goodbye!

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